Welcome to my Website! A Website dedicated to my dog Cody!

 The dog face that says: Mom please enough. The second suffering face that says: I dont like Christass, leave me alone.  And :OMG thow that ball already.

Cody is the sassiest dog I ever knew.

Best parks in Cody's opinion:

Park Grade Explanation
Greynolds Dog park Margaret Pace park Halouver beach park
10/10 6/10 2/10
can run all day long, always empty some annoying dogs always steal my ball love the sand - hate the water

Those are two links that will give you a broader undersatnding what to expect when you get a blue heeler:

The sprucepets. and Wikipedia.

Cody is a blueheeler. However thre are two other breeds of Australian Cattle dog.

Breed types:

Guilty pleasure: bite your ankles.